Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Oasis / Jen Caputo / Dianne Rigdon

The Oasis @ Great Adventure
The kids had so much fun playing with water and splashing around at the Oasis. It is the best place in all of 6 Flags!
Aren't you amazed that I have actually done 2 double-pagers with lots of photos? I know I am. :)

Sketch Coll. 17 - Double Pagers by Jen Caputo
Calypso Add-on Papers by Dianne Ridgon
Calypso Solids by Dianne Rigdon
Hibiscus Bloom: Glitter Pets from the Tropics by Dianne Ridgon
Waterdrops/pools of water: Need Some Water by Jofia Devoe
Font: Occidental, Impact


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