Monday, November 3, 2008

Queen of Mismatch

Today was Mismatch day at school. You wore a yellow shirt with bright orange flowers and a white/blue/gree patterned skort. Your favorite part was picking the tights. I had recently bought you a pink hose with multiple stripes with red, orange, hot pink, green, white, blue and black colors. Your hair bands were white and blue and your sneakers grey, white and pink. Your final accessory was a pair of hot pink glasses.I would have never let you wear this get up in public, let alone school, but allowed it because it is part of school spirit week and the other kids looked just as crazy.

Sketch Collection 13 by Jen Caputo
Teen dolls: Teen Dolls Doodles by Berna Datema
Flair: Make Your Own Flair by Flergs
Font: SF Old Republic, LD Note Pad
IOHonour Collection by The Studio Girls @ SBG


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