Friday, June 12, 2009


I volunteered this morning to help out Kaylie's class with their volcano-making project. The kids had already covered their plastic bottles with clay ( to resemble the color of a volcano, not the shape) and today was the day to make the mixture to make them erupt.

The kids were all super excited - all 21 of them.

Here's the recipe for making your very own volcano.

1. Small empty plastic bottle
2. Cover the bottle with clay (to make it the color of a volcano)
3. Place the bottle in a tray (so when it erupts you don't have "lava" all over the place)
4. Add dish soap to the bottom of the bottle
5. Add baking soda
6. Add food coloring (red is perfect!) though blue and green are fab, too.
7. Add vinegar
8. Watch as the ingredients work together to form "lava" that will quickly erupt to the top and spill all over.

As a side note, the kids were so cool and creative. They used clay to make rocks, people and animals that quickly perished when the volcano exploded. LOL

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