Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas 2006 / Toy Box Collection by Baersgarten

My kids with Santa back in 2006.

Font: SF Carissa
Toy Box Collection Christmas Edition by Baersgarten @ SBG
ACTION Doodle Alpha-Collab with Krystal Harltey by Wendyzine @ SBG
2009 Cookie ExchangeTemplate by Dana Attlan @ SSD

(Note:The alpha comes with the collection, but because of all the awesomely bold patterns the alpha blended in. To solve the problem I used the doodle action by Wendy to create the black doodled outline around the alpha which allowed it to stand out.

You can change the thickness of the doodle, the color, and even do double lines. If you like to tweak and play, the action lets you do that. If you just want the black outline, you can just press play and let it do its work.

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